His Runaway Maiden Read online

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  Rosamund swallowed a cough and then hurried into speech. ‘Thank you for telling me this story. My stepmother’s background was always a mystery to me, for she seldom spoke of her family. Yet surely Father must have known something of my stepmother’s past, so why did he marry her?’

  ‘No doubt she tricked him into it. He was grief-stricken and lonely and most likely found it convenient to have a new mother for you close at hand.’

  ‘She was no mother to me,’ said Rosamund, her eyes smouldering. ‘She told people I was mad and was going to have me locked up. She feared what I might tell them and that was why I had to escape.’

  ‘I am sure she has plenty to hide and was, no doubt, jealous of you, my dear,’ wheezed Lady Elizabeth. ‘You have grown into a lovely woman, so like my dear Jane. I look a fright and know it. But when you reach my age, having survived the smallpox, then one must be forgiven for painting over wrinkles and pockmarks.’

  Rosamund felt both pity and admiration for her. ‘Father told me years ago that you were ill and expected to die. It was not until I heard my stepmother mention you that I realised you were still alive. I knew then that I had to see you.’

  ‘Well, I am glad you made the effort, my dear. My intention in trying to get in touch with you was so we could become better acquainted before it is too late.’ She patted Rosamund’s hand and then turned to Alex. ‘My dear Baron, I was so sorry to hear of the deaths of your grandparents. Your grandfather in particular was helpful to me on several occasions. I am delighted that we are to work together and you are to be part of my troupe. I do hope you will like the costumes for the dance. They are black and silver and there will be such carolling that it will surely gladden the hearts of the royal family and their Scottish guests.’

  Rosamund wondered what they were talking about, but there was no mistake about him being a baron because her godmother had addressed him by that title again. Of course, it might be all of an act if he really was a spy. Whichever was the truth, it was obvious to her that here was an example of Master Nilsson’s duplicity. He had not been honest with her.

  ‘I presume there will be time for rehearsals?’ he was asking.

  ‘The members of my troupe will be here this afternoon,’ informed Lady Elizabeth. ‘If you are to take part, then I will partner you. But time enough to sort that out later and for you to learn…’ she paused to catch her breath and patted her bosom ‘…your steps…and see what gossip you can rake through for information. We will leave for Richmond in the morning—’ She broke off again, her chest heaving.

  Rosamund gazed at her anxiously. ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘I am as well as can be expected in the circumstances’ she gasped. ‘I have decided that the troupe will wear masks to create an air of mystery. What is your opinion, my dears?’

  ‘It sounds exciting,’ said Rosamund.

  Alex said politely, ‘I am certain it will delight their Majesties and the Scottish lords and archbishops.’

  ‘I am glad you deem it so.’ Lady Elizabeth winced and rubbed her forehead with a trembling hand. ‘I have such a megrim coming on. I will have to take my potion soon.’

  Rosamund stared at her anxiously.

  Lady Elizabeth forced a smile. ‘You must not worry about me, my dear. You know, when I heard your father had died, I could not help thinking it was a pity he did not go sooner in place of my dear Jane and your poor brother.’ Her eyes were suddenly damp and she took a kerchief from the velvet pouch that hung at her waist and dabbed her eyes before flicking white flakes of paint from her gown.

  ‘I must tell you some good news, Godmother,’ said Rosamund, glancing across at the Baron. ‘My brother, Harry, is not dead as we believed.’

  Lady Elizabeth raised her head and fixed her with a hard stare. ‘I don’t understand. What sorcery is this? Your father told me fifteen years ago that he had drowned.’

  Alex said, ‘He was deceived. I met Harry twelve years ago in Visby. I will not go into all the details now, but he had escaped captivity aboard a pirate ship and was in need of a friend. After I missed seeing you at Lathom House, I met Mistress Appleby who was on her way to visit you. It came as quite a shock when we introduced ourselves because, just the same as yourself, she had believed Harry had died fifteen years ago. Now there was I informing her that I knew him and believed that Sir James had recognised him last time he was in London. Whether they met I do not know, because Harry disappeared and Sir James died unexpectedly.’

  ‘I believe Father was murdered,’ said Rosamund. ‘And I believe my stepmother had Harry abducted.’

  Lady Elizabeth drummed her fingers on the arm of her chair. ‘This is all too much for me to make sense of right now. I do know that woman was ambitious for those sons of hers and gave the elder an exalted idea of himself. I remember thinking that they should be stopped. You know what this means?’ she said breathlessly. ‘Harry is the rightful heir and can evict that woman from Appleby Manor and get rid of the sons, as well. We have to find him.’

  Alex smiled. ‘Of course.’ He glanced at Rosamund. ‘My hope is that he is plying his trade in the ship my grandfather bequeathed him when he died.’

  ‘You did not tell me that your grandfather willed my brother a ship,’ said Rosamund, startled.

  Lady Elizabeth let out a cackle. ‘Good for Harry. The Baron must have thought well of him. Let us hope he will soon return. In the meantime I will mention this whole affair to my kinsman when we are at Richmond,’ she wheezed, nodding her head vigorously and then groaning and holding it with both hands. ‘You and I have matters to discuss, Baron. Rosamund, you must be weary after so much travelling. I will have a maid show you to a bedchamber. You must rest and will be summoned when the midday meal is ready.’

  Rosamund felt she had been summarily dismissed, having noted that her godmother had called Master Nilsson Baron again. She supposed it was possible that at her age and in her state of health that she was confusing him with his grandfather, the baron. She wondered what the business was that they needed to discuss. The purchase of more amber jewellery, perhaps? She left them alone and went upstairs with the maid.

  Lady Elizabeth leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes. ‘So, Baron, your natural father wants my help,’ she murmured.

  ‘Aye.’ Alex stared at her with a mixture of sympathy and exasperation, wondering what his father was thinking of when he suggested this interesting, but sick, old lady as a fellow conspirator. ‘Have you ever met him? He said you are kin by marriage to the wife of one of his allies.’

  ‘Cicely. She married Lord Mackillin. Like me, they are getting old,’ she said mournfully.

  ‘You are not too old to help ensure future peace between Scotland and England,’ said Alex politely.

  She opened her eyes and leaning forward, patted his knee. ‘It was your grandfather who told me that Earl Douglas was your natural father. He was proud of you and often spoke of your sense of diplomacy and your courage.’ Her voice was barely above a whisper. ‘He is a loss to me, but I presume you will settle down soon and take the reins of the business into your own hands?’

  ‘Eventually,’ he said after a moment’s hesitation. ‘Right now it is my plan to prevent members of certain clans from destroying the proposed alliance between England and Scotland. I was interested to hear you say that your goddaughter’s stepmother was a McDonald. We must keep our eyes and ears open and ensure that any plot they might conjure up will be thwarted. It is possible they will enlist those Englishmen who wish King Henry’s rule to fail.’

  ‘Sons whose fathers supported the Yorkist cause and whose lands were taken from them when Richard was defeated at Bosworth,’ whispered Elizabeth. ‘Young lords of noble birth who will have pledged their allegiance to Henry, not only to regain some part of their father’s lands, but to be in a position where they know what is happening at court. I have one such lord amongst my troupe of dancers. I am not saying he will turn traitor, but it may serve you to have him watched.’

bsp; ‘His name?’ asked Alex, his eyes narrowing.

  ‘Lord Bude. He is fair-haired and handsome like you, but younger.’

  ‘You will introduce us?’

  ‘Of a certainty.’ She smiled. ‘I will introduce you to the troupe this afternoon. My health is not good, as you can see, but I will manage the steps as long as you follow my lead and do not rush me.’

  Alex would have needed to be blind and deaf not to have noticed she had difficulty breathing and could not conceal his concern. ‘You do not have to do this, Lady Elizabeth. I deem that your goddaughter could be of use to us.’

  Her smile faded. ‘I will not have her putting her life at risk. Do not stop me playing my part just because I am old and ill. I would gladly die in the service of my country. Now, I would appreciate your help in getting up from this chair and out of this hall.’

  He did as she requested and she clung to his arm as they crossed the hall to the door. ‘I suspect I do not have much longer to live,’ she gasped, ‘that is why I wanted to see Rosamund while I was staying at Lathom House.’ Her expression was wistful. ‘Unfortunately I caught a chill and could not leave the house. I would that I—I had made the effort sooner, but her father never approved of me.’ She paused. ‘I need to retire to my bedchamber for a while and take the potion that my physician prescribes. I must rest if I am to initiate you into the dance this afternoon.’ They paused in the entrance. ‘You will stay here, of course, Baron, until we leave for Richmond.’

  ‘I will happily do so,’ said Alex gravely. ‘It has occurred to me that Mistress Appleby’s stepmother might visit Lathom House and ask whether her stepdaughter left for London in your company. She will receive a negative reply, but she still might decide that her stepdaughter has followed you to London. It is possible that she will travel south herself to inform her elder son that Rosamund has escaped. It is likely that he might reason that she will have come here.’

  Lady Elizabeth gave him an exhausted look. ‘You are suggesting that either or both of them might present themselves at my door. The nerve of that woman! What is her son’s name? I have forgotten.’

  ‘Edward Fustian. He is a member of the Royal Company of Mercers.’

  ‘ I will warn the servants not to allow either of them entry.’

  ‘I would go further and have them deny that either of us have been here,’ said Alex, grim-faced. ‘I do not want him to know just yet that I am acquainted with either you or Mistress Appleby.’

  ‘You will be our secret weapon,’ she chuckled conspiratorially.


  Alex noticed a couple of servants approaching and was relieved to hand over their mistress to her maid. As he went upstairs with the male servant, he thought how he and Rosamund had managed to escape being questioned by her ladyship about how they had travelled to London and in whose company, although the sick woman might yet still do so. He and Rosamund should have discussed their answers further, but it was too late to do so now.

  Rosamund wasted no time joining her godmother at the table in her parlour when the summons to the midday meal came. She felt rested and was eager to get to know Lady Elizabeth whilst the opportunity was available. No mention had been made about Rosamund travelling to Richmond with the other two, so she could only presume that she would stay here at her godmother’s mansion in London.

  ‘I hope you do not mind eating in here, my dear,’ said Lady Elizabeth, ‘but it is much warmer than the hall and easier for the servants.’

  ‘I do not mind at all,’ said Rosamund, smiling across the table. ‘I hope you are feeling better.’ It was hard to tell by looking at her painted face.

  Lady Elizabeth’s eyes smiled at her goddaughter. ‘I feel better for seeing you, my dear. Tell me, what do you think of the Baron? An interesting, attractive man, is he not? He will make some fortunate woman an excellent husband.’

  Rosamund’s smile faded. So Master Nilsson was definitely a baron like his grandfather before him. ‘I suppose he would. But why do you mention this to me?’ she asked casually.

  Lady Elizabeth did not immediately reply, but leaned forward and seized her goddaughter’s arm with a claw-like hand. ‘How old are you, Rosamund? I’m afraid I have forgotten what year you were born.’

  ‘Two-and-twenty,’ she answered.

  Her godmother sighed. ‘I thought as much. Of course, you are old enough to find a husband for yourself, but in the circumstances you could do with a little help.’

  ‘Why do we talk of husbands?’ asked Rosamund, her mind in a whirl. ‘Has he spoken to you about my needing to get married?’

  ‘Certainly not!’ Her godmother looked at her keenly. ‘Why didn’t your father choose a husband for you years ago, when you were in the first bloom of womanhood?’

  ‘I deem he believed my stepmother when she told him I was mad,’ said Rosamund sadly. ‘She wanted me to marry Edward, but thankfully, Father would not allow it. As for William, he said that no man would want to marry me. Not only was I ugly, but I was too much of a bad bargain for any man to take on.’

  ‘What wicked things to say to you, my dear, and not true,’ said Lady Elizabeth indignantly. ‘Well, you’ve escaped them now and you will marry.’

  ‘No. You must not concern yourself,’ said Rosamund hastily. ‘Besides, I have no dowry.’

  ‘No dowry! Does the Baron know this?’

  Rosamund stiffened. ‘I do not remembering raising the matter with him. Why should I?’

  ‘Because he is your best prospect. He does not need the money, but with a dowry you will not feel like a beggar maid when you accept him. I will send for my lawyer instantly and he will deal with this matter of a dowry before we leave for Richmond.’

  Rosamund was stunned. ‘No! You must not do this. I do not wish to marry and, even if I did, I have decided that I will wait until Harry’s return before doing so,’ she added rashly.

  Lady Elizabeth gave her a shrewd look. ‘Has the Baron compromised you, my dear?’

  Rosamund gasped. ‘Certainly not! How can you suggest such a thing? The Baron is an honourable man.’

  Her godmother’s eyes wore a satisfied expression. ‘So he has proposed marriage to you?’

  ‘I did not say that!’

  ‘No, you did not, but I can imagine that he is determined that you will not suffer by your both succumbing to temptation. I do not blame you for being charmed by him. He is just like his grandfather, irresistible.’

  ‘No! It was not like that at all,’ cried Rosamund, jumping to her feet. ‘I am chaste.’

  A spasm twisted Lady Elizabeth’s face and she removed her hairpiece and scratched her almost-bald pate. Rosamund could only stare at her. ‘Close your mouth, dear. You look like a fish,’ said her godmother, replacing her wig. ‘So he asked you to marry him and you tell me you are chaste.’ Her tone was thoughtful.

  Rosamund was angry and embarrassed and attempted to change the direction of the conversation. ‘It was extremely rude of me to stare at you in such an ill-bred manner.’ Her voice was terse.

  ‘No more than I was in removing my wig in your company, but it itches so at times and that makes my head ache even worse.’ Lady Elizabeth paused. ‘Don’t be angry with me, my dear. I am only interested in your well-being. I did, after all, notice that neither of you arrived with servants, nor did you mention having company on the road. In the circumstances, you would be a fool to refuse him.’

  Rosamund clenched her fists. ‘He has not asked me to marry him and there is no need for him to marry me. I am chaste and I do not wish to marry him.’

  ‘Why not? He is rich, handsome and charming.’

  ‘Because…’ Rosamund’s voice trailed off. She could not tell her godmother that the Baron was in love with another woman. Most likely she would not believe her.

  ‘I understand,’ said Lady Elizabeth, shaking her head. ‘Young women are always full of romantic notions. You wish to be wooed.’

  Rosamund had not thought of that as a reason for refusi
ng the Baron’s proposal, but now she decided that it was as good a one as any other, so she acknowledged there was some truth in Lady Elizabeth’s words.

  Her godmother nodded. ‘You must come with us to Richmond Palace for the celebrations. There should be time enough there for the Baron to woo you in the proper style.’

  Chapter Eight

  A thrill raced through Rosamund at the thought of being wooed by the Baron. ‘You mean I can accompany you to the royal palace without prior permission?’

  Lady Elizabeth gave a laugh that sounded like rustling dry leaves. ‘I am related to the royal family and they are accustomed to my starts and fancies. In truth, they consider me a little mad at times and I would not deny that on occasions a certain mood takes me and—’ Her expression changed. ‘Here comes the Baron! He really is a fine figure of a man. I have not told you, but my troupe of players are all noble men and women. It is as the queen requested.’ She hailed Alex. ‘Come, sit with my goddaughter. I have decided that Rosamund will accompany us to Richmond.’

  Rosamund watched his face to see if he was pleased or not, but he wore that bland expression that made his thoughts unreadable. What would he think if he knew about their earlier conversation?

  ‘I already had it in mind that Mistress Appleby should accompany us,’ said Alex, seating himself at the head of the table between the two women. ‘She will be much safer at Richmond.’

  ‘Good. I am glad we agree,’ said Lady Elizabeth placidly. ‘Here comes our meal.’

  Rosamund knew that she should be relieved that her godmother and the Baron were in agreement. Yet now she felt oddly put out by the fact she appeared to have no say in what should happen to her with these two people for whom she had strong feelings. She watched as the servants began to serve boiled hare in a sauce that proved to be made from ale, pepper, bread and onions.